Jordan Some breakdance

Dance Writer Virtual Awards: Jordan Shome

July 22, 2020

Taking out the 2020 title of Best Professional Choreographer at the Dance Writer Virtual Awards, Jordan Shome is a dance superhero.

Designed to bring some light relief following the COVID-19-induced suffocation of the performing arts industry, these Virtual Awards celebrate creativity, talent and passion. 

An avid Cosplayer, Jordan displays all three abilities in every aspect of his life. At 18, he graduated from Rowville Institute of the Arts, completing his final year by distance learning due to the increasing success of the business he started during his secondary school years.

“The biggest obstacle I have overcome in my dance career is managing my commitments at my performing arts high school as well as dance training and growing performance opportunities and gigs. In Year 11 it was extremely difficult for me both mentally and physically, but I had so many great opportunities coming my way that I kept pushing myself. I was also very lucky while at high school to gain my Certificate II in Dance qualification.”

Jordan’s focus and passion is thoroughly encapsulated in his business, Hero Passion. Laughing, he says, “My parents will tell you that I have never really grown up”, a trait that serves him perfectly for his role bringing happiness and laughter to young kids while dressed as Spiderman.

Hero Passion Spiderman Jordan Shome

Andrew De Rose Photography. @c_playphotography

“I design and perform high energy dance and music shows with underlying messages and stories to inspire kids to believe in themselves, overcome challenges and be the best version of themselves they can be. We communicate this through relatable superheroes that kids know and love.”

In typical Jordan-fashion, when establishing his Spiderman persona, he refused to simply be ‘a guy in a suit’ and soon learned to unmistakably portray Tom Holland’s Spiderman, “I studied his voice, mannerisms and Spiderman poses for hours. I truly wanted people to believe that I was the real thing.” His hard work paid off as he won awards and became recognised in the Cosplay world for his achievements. But, according to Jordan, the biggest reward is “little Spiderman fans coming up to me in their Spiderman T-shirts with their Spiderman figurines just in awe of seeing (me) in the flesh. It makes (my) heart melt.”

Bringing his hip hop-fusion-lyrical dance style and love of choreography, Jordan’s submission to the Dance Writer Virtual Awards was “inspired by the current Covid climate that none of us can escape right now.” Highly aware of the stress and fear of an unknown future felt by his industry peers, Jordan’s choreography to Kirk Franklin’s ‘OK’ explores how dancers are coping with their dance life being halted.

As always, he looks for the positive, ‘I’m not going to stop doing what I love doing just because of restriction rules. I’m going to keep going, keep the faith and believe that everything is going to be ok.”

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