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Dance Moms Tag

The Ziegler sisters, most famous for the hit U.S television series Dance Moms, came to Australia and New Zealand last month to host a meet-and-greet dance spectacular for their biggest fans, with the tour lead by Australian renowned choreographer Marko Panzic.

My daughters sashayed into their new dance studio, giggling and wide-eyed, excited to begin their new adventure. I followed, nervous smile fixed in place, uncomfortable and completely out of my depth. Visions of pointe shoes, tiaras and sparkly costumes filled my head. What is this world we’re about to enter?

Forget apples, safe dance practice will keep the doctor away!

Social media is arguably altering the perception of what is achievable in dance. Young dancers are copying movements from Instagram and performing them without regard to harm or hazard. According to a Melbourne based dance instructor and qualified doctor Lisa Ellis, dancers can still be as flexible as they possibly can be by following a safe dance procedure.